Best Suited for
Batter Equals to 14 Dosas
Chutney Equals to ~ 95 gm
Dry Masala Equals to ~ 150 gm
Churning Equals to ~ 150 gm
Coconut Milk Equals to ~ 1.5 cups of Milk
Blending Equals to 2.5 cups of Juice

Blue Leaf Series
A mixer-grinder that changed the way mixer-grinders looked and worked. It is India 1st I-shape mixer-grinder and it was also the first mixer-grinder to introduce the 'Grind and Store' concept and a Flexi Lid.

Dual Fan Bottom & Top Throw Motor
It comes with 5 Year warranty. The motor has passed 215 Hours of endurance test. Can continuously grind even Urad dal for 30 Mins*.It also grinds hard ingredients like roasted Turmeric in 2 Mins*.

Super Extractor
Extraction of juices, coconut milk and tamarind essence made easy. The super extractor doubles as a blender for smoothie making, blending and ice crushing

Grind n Store Jar
An unique feature that allows not only you to grind but also store them fresh for a long period. The storage container helps you store chutneys, spices and coffee bean as well.

Stainless Steel Jar & Blade
These jars are made of high quality stainless steel and the blades are high precision for best performance. They also go through water load test to ensure stability and endurance.

Life Long Free Service
Zero cost of labour for servicing the product throughout its life ( Spares will be charged post warranty period )